i think i'll have to go easy on the text part of this, as i have a good week's worth of stuff to post...guess i'll just start at the beginning, with a shot from our local summer minor league football team - it helps not to be too delicate when you have to shoot these guys - the term "potty mouth" comes to mind - since the story was pretty directionless, i just tried to shoot more graphically - this isn't what we ran, but just an outtake i liked for some reason....

this seemed to be the week of camps - i only had to shoot a couple of them (and NOT soccer camp, thankfully, which i have shot more times than i care to remember it seems)...here's a couple frames from skateboard camp.....

on my way back into the office later that day i was waiting to make a left and saw these guys up there working on replacing the street lights - shot a couple frames in the car and then pulled over to try and make something better - the guy framed inside the empty holes of the fixture as he worked, etc, didn't get anything super cool, but as i was getting the guy's name from his co-worker, i glanced up and saw the row of new lights set along the edge of the truck - Red & Yellow! ha!!!!! what a cool find - the project lives on!

among the crazy events of the week - we've had a few lake rescue calls/drownings - 2 fatal hit and runs - fires -- early in the week a man was beaten to death down by the river...he was one of a few homeless men who have been living beneath a bridge for years, and 2 other guys who frequented there but didn't always live there killed him after he apparently tried to take some other guy's bottle - anyway, these guys have been down there for years and years and they're pretty well hidden from the general public - well, since this has happened, obviously that's no longer the case - a reporter found a rev. and some other people involved in the free community dinners who periodically check on these guys, take them food or blankets, etc, and they brought us down there to talk to/photograph them and how they are living.....we had no idea if they'd allow any of that, so we just went and were playing it by ear....it was pretty crazy - most of the guys there (including the one over whose bottle this guy - his friend, he says and seemed to be pretty broken up over) were okay with us being there and with me shooting and giving names - but there was one guy - very drunk, very belligerent and very PO'd about us being there - who just kept coming up to us and screaming at us, and grabbing on me and on my arm and at the camera as i was shooting a couple people - funny thing is, he's not even from here - none of the regulars knew who he was, he'd just shown up and was drinking with them - but he was pretty out of control and obnoxious....one of the guys, who's been in poor health, started going into respiratory failure and maybe having another heart attack while we were there - so there's his friend leaning over him, crying, telling him to hang on an ambulance is on its way, and i was kind of shooting, but i thought maybe he waved at me to stop (he's also deaf and can't really speak), so i backed off, but he motioned at me to come back, to keep taking pictures, so i did, which belligerent guy REALLY didn't like, by the way - when the emt's came, the reporter and the rev and all left - we had a prior interview set that we had to get to anyway, though it would have been cool to stay, so off we went - and then we talked to a local guy on leave from the Navy whose next deployment will be to fight off the pirates in the mediterranean/african region waters.....crazy little work day!!

switched up to day shift Friday, and after deask duty, i went down the street to catch the tale end of theatre arts camp - luckily, they were in the dance instruction part of the program....again, nothin to write home about (but apparently, it's somethin to write to the world about???!!! lol!), but just the work o' the day....

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