this was essentially the crux of the feature hunt - story to run in a day or two about how it's not hot - it's not exactly cold - the weather has actually been beautifully moderate - if i could live in a permanent atmospheric state, this would pretty much be it - mid 70's to mid 80's, little to no humidity, very light occasional breeze - what's not to love?!
but, it is pretty unseasonable, and so voila - there's your story...still, a little tricky to illustrate - i mean, you can visually show people being overheated, and you can visually show people braving the bitter cold, but how do you show people just being comfortably unaffected?
any feature will do, per the powers that be, so, basically, go find a feature...and then i had to go back to the road where the memorial to the little girl who was killed has continued to grow - not posting any of those pix - essentially people leaving massive amounts of stuffed animals perched on the guardrail and hanging in the trees and piled around the 4-foot tall wooden cross that has been erected there -- i have to say, it's a little creepy in a way, and i have kind of mixed feelings about the whole thing - i don't know, can't quite put it in words, there's just something that makes me feel a little uneasy about how people have become so completely kind of obsessed...like i said, can't really articulate exactly what i'm feeling, so i probably shouldn't even comment -- anyway, i drove out to a town west of the site, so i could stop there on the way back, and also i wanted to go feature hunt somewhere i normally don't and try to avoid the kids playing in their front yard thing....
i found this family fishing in a park - hung out with them for a while, and hopefully made a few decent frames - not sure that it says "i'm not hot," but as a feature it's okay i s'pose - another one for next week's community page if nothing else...

just like these better in black&white, especially this last image, which at least has come closer to me making a picture that has the "feel" i have been trying to shoot and feel like i've not quite achieved in my work the last few days...wanted to work this more, but the kid was pretty freaked out by the little blue gill his grandpa caught, and he pretty much bolted as the fish started flopping on the line - poor blue gill!!
but, it is pretty unseasonable, and so voila - there's your story...still, a little tricky to illustrate - i mean, you can visually show people being overheated, and you can visually show people braving the bitter cold, but how do you show people just being comfortably unaffected?
any feature will do, per the powers that be, so, basically, go find a feature...and then i had to go back to the road where the memorial to the little girl who was killed has continued to grow - not posting any of those pix - essentially people leaving massive amounts of stuffed animals perched on the guardrail and hanging in the trees and piled around the 4-foot tall wooden cross that has been erected there -- i have to say, it's a little creepy in a way, and i have kind of mixed feelings about the whole thing - i don't know, can't quite put it in words, there's just something that makes me feel a little uneasy about how people have become so completely kind of obsessed...like i said, can't really articulate exactly what i'm feeling, so i probably shouldn't even comment -- anyway, i drove out to a town west of the site, so i could stop there on the way back, and also i wanted to go feature hunt somewhere i normally don't and try to avoid the kids playing in their front yard thing....
i found this family fishing in a park - hung out with them for a while, and hopefully made a few decent frames - not sure that it says "i'm not hot," but as a feature it's okay i s'pose - another one for next week's community page if nothing else...

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