last week felt like one of the longest weeks in a long time - one of those weeks when it hit me at the end of the day tuesday - god, it's ONLY TUESDAY!!! Mr. Bosch was off on vacation, so it was just myself and Jenny holdin down the fort - i just felt like i was by myself the whole time - no real interaction from the rest of the staff - i was shooting and doing deadline, and i never had a budget or any real communication from anyone about what was going on, so i felt kind of out of the loop - just trying to make sure i didn't miss anything, and always with the uncertain feeling that i was and just didn't know it - not too cool...
nothing great shooting-wise either - i really wanted there to be - i went out everyday thinking i just wanted to hit it out of the park, but things never quite seemed to come together...oh well, that happens, i know, but it's still disappointing....but, that's what this week is for, right? ooh, i'm so glass-half-full today!
anyway, here's a smattering from the week, with the really mundane left out so i don't completely bore whomever is looking....
went out early one morning to shoot a business networking group's weekly breakfast meeting - kind of a pyramid schemish thing - south county people are trying to get enough biz owners in there to start their own chapter of this international org. - not the greatest visuals, as you might imagine, but i kind of like the challenge of these assignments

later that day, i got a note about a sports feature on a kid who's organized a stickball league that plays in his backyard - pretty sweet set-up they got here, and there were a lot of kids there and they were having fun - i kind of wanted to play....then it was back to the homeless bridge, which is now the homeless-less bridge, since they cleaned it out, including the clan of rats that apparently were teaming beneath the bags of belongings piled on one of the beds....nice!
wednesday, my assignment fell through, and with nothing else coming in, i just went out and feature hunted - finally found these kids out playing with their transformers - not the greatest pics, but the boys were really nice - they were the kids that look at you with the big eyes and are like, i've never been in the paper even once before - do you think you'll put my picture in there? awww!!!!

the annual teddy bear picnic in Flat Rock - basically, kids bring their stuffed animals and have a picnic in the park, complete with face painting and a, hmmmm, why does that sound so familiar?! again, one of those where i wanted to make a cool pic, and well, never quite got what i was hoping for

the week wound down with shooting guys building a ramp for a handicap family (well, someone in the family, not ALL of them probably) - it's a volunteer thing, and of course they had the kids from Boysville there - the home for troubled kids, and you can't show their faces, which is fine, have had to work around that before - but when they're the ones in there doing the work, or mixed right in with the carpenter guys, it gets a little tricky....

so, like i said, all in all, not a real stellar week - but, i did go down and paint for almost 3 hours last night - completely lost track of time, which is a very beautiful thing! today, i want to paint more, and i have an itch to take more lensBABY on film! so much to do, so little time - i think i need a vacation!

"love is like a monkey on my back"
this is one that i think i've finished last night - not my favorite, necessarily, but the others are very close, and hopefully will be done tonight, or soon!
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