today there was a silent vigil held in memory of 9/11...a couple guys brought out this flag they bought online - it lists the names of all the civilians who died that day in the attacks...i was trying to do something graphic with that flag and the larger one hanging above the square from a ladder truck behind it, and then this guy came up and started reading the names....i don't know if this really works or if it's one of those cases where i just really WANT it to me, it captured the mood of the day...i remember the event they held here on the first year anniversary - it was such a huge event, music, speakers, etc,, it just felt very somber, almost more sad than the first one, because there wasn't any of the overt patriotic response - to me, it almost felt more real, like i truly felt the sense of loss and tragedy that that day was in its many layers....

you were right about this photo and i'm glad we used it 1a yesterday. looks like you guys stayed dry shooting football last night ... i was worried you guys might get soaked.
I loved this picture when I saw it in the paper. The shadow sends a powerful message and gives me the shivers. Great work!
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