kind of a hodge podge of work from the past week and a half-ish...before things get too far away from me
beginning with a bbq rib-off (no pix to post from that) and jam (as in music, not something you put on bread)...the main show was eddie money - now there's a blast from the past, but he drew a big crowd - all different ages, too - and they all knew every word of those songs!
not exactly my 2 tickets to paradise, but it was kind of fun to shoot regardless
not everyday that a mom and her daughter rock out just as hard to the same band
later, a harry potter character contest and other events - though this was the only really "visual" one - before the showing of the first movie in the park...not the greatest, but this little kid dressed as harry was pretty darned cute
then a luncheon for people in area senior living centers who are 90 and over - this lady was a little firecracker - trying to get everyone into the spirit of a sing-a-long
area business buys cow at fair auction, gets it processed, drops the 1000 pounds of newly packaged cow off to area food pantry
we've shot this a couple times before, and usually it's just people wheeling a large cartload of meat into a walk-in freezer, so not expecting great things, but at least there was a bit of a moment with the kid who raised/showed the cow, who came to help with the donation drop-off
at some point in there was a wreck on the highway - call came over about a truck roll-over, driver trapped, possible fatal - get there and it's a big u-haul semi with attached trailer flipped over in the median with boxes of stuff busted open and strewn everywhere - the top of the trailer sheared off when it rolled and everything in there just went everywhere....the driver was fine...i figured he was moving up here from somewhere in florida since all the stuff was wrapped in st. petersburg times newspapers - poor guy, he was helping move family from FL to michigan - drove all that way with no trouble until he was within 20 miles of their house when he lost control of the truck - another example of why talking on the cell phone isn't a good mix with driving (especially a large truck hauling a trailer when you aren't an experienced truck driver) - still, you gotta feel for the guy!
just liked this weird manikin head that was lying in the rubble
random feature pick-up - noticed these geese all lined up along a river dam on my way to an assignment, and they were still there when i finished...nothing special, but something about it that i kind of like
late afternoon storms with strong straight line winds tore through a neighborhood north county, so the next morning was all about clean-up...went to one lady's house that the reporter had spoken to - she was sitting in her kitchen having coffee when a tree split and came through the window at her - amazingly she only had a couple barely visible cuts from the glass, but despite him telling me the tree was still in the kitchen and they hadn't been able to clean anything up - it was all boarded up and spotless when i got there - oh yeah, and she didn't want a i just went walking up the road and came upon a family out clearing their yard of all the branches (trees were down pretty much everywhere) - their dog thought this was like the greatest thing ever, because he suddenly had all these sticks to play with
this week, nothing too great yet - Congressman Dingell came in for an editorial board meeting, and this was to be our page one art for the following day....not the easiest visual scenario, but i kind of liked this frame - it's a little odd, but this is actually the one they ran, which was kind of cool - i wasn't expcting it since i'd also turned in more "standard" pix of him
anyhoo, tis all for now!
on the plate for today - road work and a civil war era gun shooting competition
not exactly my 2 tickets to paradise, but it was kind of fun to shoot regardless
not everyday that a mom and her daughter rock out just as hard to the same band

we've shot this a couple times before, and usually it's just people wheeling a large cartload of meat into a walk-in freezer, so not expecting great things, but at least there was a bit of a moment with the kid who raised/showed the cow, who came to help with the donation drop-off

random feature pick-up - noticed these geese all lined up along a river dam on my way to an assignment, and they were still there when i finished...nothing special, but something about it that i kind of like

on the plate for today - road work and a civil war era gun shooting competition
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