after shooting cross country in the a.m., i headed over to another of the area metroparks to shoot a feature on the hawkfest - such cool birds - i love when i see them on the side of the road, especially if i'm heading out on any road trip - i feel like it's a good omen - i just have a thing about hawks - it's kind of a long story...

so, i didn't get any great people/moment features out of it
but i really liked being able to shoot these incredible animals so close up and without fencing in the way

this owl was pretty cool - though obviously not a hawk, it is used for hunting and is part of the falconry club of hunters, so it earned its spot...it's native to europe and asia and is the biggest owl in the world - can't tell from this pic, but it is very big - maybe about the size of a smallish medium dog - and it made the perfect "hoo" sound

so, all in all, not such a bad day i s'pose
night before shot the annual pow-mia memorial event - this year it seemed like there was even less visually to work with than in years past - mostly it's a person speaking at a podium anyway, but there just seemed to be things i shot before that weren't there, so it was a little rough, and i didn't get anything too great

my friend Val shot this before, but she did a way cooler job of it than i
shot some detailish pix of old vets hands that i kind of liked (which i guess i forgot to copy for this post), then thought i'd stumbled upon an angle that could make for a pretty cool image..if..only..this...guy...would....turn....around...........
and he never did - what are ya gonna do

and, a bit earlier in the week, an outtake from a play rehearsal for rocky horror - this woman was practicing blowing kisses in a backstage mirror
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