let's see, this week, from where i left off, nothing too terribly exciting - more feature hunting - thursday was a beautiful day - just missed breaking the record-high temperature by one mere degree - but 83 degrees, 84 - tomayto-tomahto, potayto-potahto - since school is back in, i knew there weren't going to be a ton of people out and about early in the day, but i thought maybe i'd hit the soft serve stands - checked out 2 that usually have traffic, but zippo at both, hmm, so keep driving, decided to go check out a neighborhood that i never feature hunt in - mostly cos past experience has proven it's gonna be a bust, but i did actually spot some kids out playing in their little park - they were spinning round on one of those, well, spinning park playthings - whatever they're called - that was always my favorite too, next to the swings - what is it about spinning around in circles that is just so damn fun?! i remember sometimes when my dad would have to pick us up from school, he'd get us (sister and i) a bag of chips and pepsis, and we'd hang out in some small unused conference room while he finished working - the best part was that all the chairs spun around, so i'd sit there for like an hour (okay, maybe i'm exaggerating just a wee bit) with my feet raised up just enough to clear the chair legs spinning around and around and around - and the best part was when you'd just grab onto the table and come to an abrupt halt - you'd be stopped, but the room hadn't quite caught up with you - holy vertigo!
happy times....
but i digress....

anyway, hung with them for a while - and i really wanted to get that cool/off/timeless foto, but it never quite got there, or i didn't quite get there - sometimes i feel like i'm losing ground in my photo journey - just at one of those plateaus, but it feels like i've been sitting here on this ledge an awful long time, and i don't know whether i'm working my way up to the next one, or if i'm about to slip back to a place from whence i came! it's hard to be objective about your own work, though, especially if you're the sort that's inclined to be pretty hard on yourself to begin with....
later that afternoon, i walked to the square for our city's addition to the national spate of Tea Parties - not a big crowd - not even close to last year's, and the only person really decked out in a visually interesting way was the guy whose picture i took last year at the tea party, so he's out - then i heard the speaker announce that after his comments they were going to be showing a couple different power point presentations under the gazebo, and that'd be about it - i just about fell out! your protest/rally is POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS????? i mean ,what the hell kind of political rally is THAT?! cos nothing gets me riled up and all excited about my political passions like trying to make out the image projected on a screen under a gazebo on a bright sunny day......
good gravy! like we don't have to go shoot enough power point presentations - now this turns into one, too? whatever, once they broke out the projector, i was outta there - after making pix of some of the attendees hoisting their signs and listening

this isn't the one that ran, but i think i actually like it best - something about kids attending these things that interests me
yesterday, it was out at a track meet in the morning - horribly cold and windy, and not alot of events going, but i was able to get a weather feature for our community page out of it - man, just a brutal day! and particularly cruel to be in the 40's with a wind chill of lord knows how low after being in the 80's just a day ago!
mother nature, what ARE you thinking?!

later that day, off to a private reception for a slew of political candidates - from governor all the way down to local - at a family home (and a very large home, at that i might add) prior to the annual Republican dinner and auction....so, got to watch as the hob-nobbers went about their hob-nobbery...not terribly easy to shoot - the lighting in there was brutal - huge windows all over in the background, but nothing but spot track lighting in the room where most were gathered - so, technically pretty dodgy - but i did like this one moment - just for itself - think we should do a story on politicians' wives sometime in the upcoming election series...that'd be interesting

anyhoo, tis all for now....sorry for all the writing and digressing - i think my morning caffeine just hit me!
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