saturday, i went out in search of a feature for page 1 sunday, as there was nothing planned, which was mentioned to me friday before i left...well, all rightey then, guess i gotta muster up something - i had planned on finding a feature anyway, cos there was nothing scheduled to shoot that day, i needed to find a photo for our InSight community feature foto page, and one of the copy editors mentioned they needed something for another inside community page next week and could i check out a couple things for that feature - they were the two things i was gonna go to anyway - really, the only visual things going on - the start of xmas tree sale season at a local farm, and then a "santa's workshop" at the old mill museum in another town - santa was set to arrive at both places at the same time, so i kept debating which to go to - and the old mill assn. only lasted 2 hours, so i decided to go to the farm early, since finding a feature of people tree shopping/cutting could take a while, and then i could shoot santa arrival there, and still make it up to the mill feature (for either page 1 if needed, or at least for that second community foto -- and hopefully, i could find something at one or both places that could also serve for an InSight foto) - turns out i missed santa in BOTH places - i was too far back in the fields with a tree-hunting family to catch santa on the farm, and the mill feature turned out to be a craft event, no santa per se....but, oh well, we'll be shooting santa again at some point very soon most likely, so that's not really a big deal, or "the" picture to get - honestly, i don't think anyone really cared, so long as i had something for A1 - i mean, it was practically told to me in passing on my way out after the super early friday a.m. shift - "oh, yeah, i saw there wasn't anything on the board to shoot saturday - we don't have anything for A1 sunday"....
"so, we need a feature for A1?"
and there you have it, the planning of a day's paper, just in passing....
just as a note, that isn't necessarily the norm, but it just cracks me up (and scares me) cos i can just have seen me walking in saturday night with the copy editor asking, so, where's the page 1 art, and had it not been for a semi-off-the-cuff comment about the need for main art, i would have been thrown into a complete tailspin! i guess any communication, then, is better than none at all!
anyway, here are a few i liked from that day on the farm....despite fighting a cold that just hangs on like a bad piece of lint and which had left me virtually voice-less by that day, i kind of liked some things i found, and then i headed up to the mill for the other feature...then had to get back for a girl that needed to come in for a headshot in the studio...then it was just the night desk duty after taking a break, and back home....

and so to back home, where a little kitty, probably about a year old has recently become a regular fixture on my porch - he's been coming around steady for a couple weeks now and is very very sweet - that night, as i was walking in the door, he grabbed onto my leg with both paws and just rubbed his face against my foot - he wants to not be outside SO bad, but i'm mid-knitting, and i'm not sure how he'll deal with stuff, so i need to kitty-proof the place before i'd even think about bringing him in - but he's a real heart-tugger, i mean, seriously, grabbing onto me and rubbing against me, like "please, please, take me with you" - oh my god, it broke my heart!

i call him "Ernie"
You're suck a sucker for sweetness....you might as well let Ernie in the house. I can tell he's going to get there soon anyways! I'll buy a kitty bed for you ok?
ialready bought the litter pan...yeah, he's comin in, i'm not even gonna try and fool myself - but first i have to kitty proof the place - i.e. put away my knitting and beading til i see how he does with it....doesn't it look like he's sticking his tongue out at me - yeah, i'm a complete sucker!
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