the other day i found a leaf - not yet turned brown and crunchy, but yellow, with deep red veins...too bad the red&yellow project just ran - this would have been a kind of cool addition, but like any project, it has to come to an end and simply get itself on out there - it still was cool to explore this leaf, me and lensBABY, that is....

back to work the other day - it was one of those days (which i actually like) where the assignments were just boom, boom, boom - one after the other after the other after the other - so much rather have a day like that than a slow day (yes, call me crazy, i actually LIKE to be busy! you know, not so much that i can't give each assignment its appropriate time and attention, but just enough to not be feeling guilty about sitting there in the office feeling like i have to justify my existence...in that vein, this day was, as Goldilocks might say, "just right")....2 of the assignments were pretty quick hits - shot pix of 5 kids at a couple schools wearing a Santa hat and holding up a sign bearing various numbers representing the days left til xmas - our annual "Christmas Countdown Kids" feature - like i said, quick, easy, usually cute...inbetween shooting 2 of those, i went to an elementary where 2 of the kinder classes were going around the neighborhood surrounding their school, hanging thanksgiving cards on the doors of residents' houses - the actual delivery of the cards was kind of a bust - i thought they'd be knocking on doors and handing them over, but it turned out to be more like following around a political candidate stuffing their lit into door handles, but still, it was kind of cool - made a couple pix i liked, like the little girl who collected leaves along the way until she had a bouquet-ful in hand

and this kid who got up close and personal with one of our newspaper boxes - "hello, hello, is anyone there?" he shouted, nearly sticking his whole head into the mouth of the box - if only he understood the cultural/newspaper industry irony behind this moment!
later, it was yet another flu clinic - i guess the newsworthiness of this one was it's the last one for the county this month - the H1N1 vaccine, that is - not nearly as crazy busy as the first, but still, this is the third of these i've shot this month, so how to do it differently - oh, ever the conundrum - last time, i didn't really shoot kids actually getting the vaccine - it was more about the turn-out, the lines, the long wait - so, i just decided to shoot the shot, so to speak - man, these kids (not just the ones i'm posting, but almost all of them) were completely freaking out -this little girl had such a high-pitched, prolonged shriek, i thought i might just be putting in for workman's comp over hearing loss by the time she was done! i mean, the power of 5-year-old lungs is seriously nothing to turn a deaf ear to, so to speak - ha ha

what killed me were the older kids, like 12, who still had to sit on their parent's laps and be semi-restrained to stay still for the shot - really, kids, you gotta be tougher than that or you're just never gonna make it in this world!
today, a goofy assignment in the a.m. - something that should have been no big deal, kids working in the classroom, and it turned out to be a group portrait in front of a computer - just silly...nuff said, we've all been there...
later, i went to a Pow Wow at an elementary - i was looking forward to it, envisioning what cool things would be happening (journalism mistake 101) - i got there, and it was kind of a glorified song pageant for parents with kids in headbands with paper feathers sitting in a giant circle singing songs and then gathering for a picture book reading, and then they all lined up for muffins and popcorn with juice....hmmm, not quite what i had in mind, but i stuck it out, and then they did a little dance, which i didn't get anything too good of - a teacher apparently thought i just wanted to shoot this one kid and started pulling others out of the way (yeah, thanx - i shouldn't be a crab, they mean well), then another story, which is where i made the following photo

...and inbetween, as the kids were eating their "harvest snack," i shot something of the recess going on outside - i don't know what it is about this, i just really kind of liked it

....anyway, that's been the work week since my last post - just trying to keep things current, cos i know y'all are simply on the edge of your respective seats as to what the world of journalism brings me next! could it be, kim goes to a flu clinic? no way!!! kim went to an elementary school?! high school sports???? SHUT UP!!! oh no she didn't!!!!!

oh yes she did!!!!
Kim you REALLY have to come to my school....we wouldn't dare to that cheesy kind of crap for a photo op!!! I promise!
hello you remember?
I have new pics a few monts later.
Its My gallery on Flickr!
See you
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