i went driving east after my shoot at the school carnival below...just wanted to see if i could come across anyone out searching for the still-missing little girl - more people were organizing to search throughout town tonight, and we still haven't really shot it...this is such a familiar sight in Monroe - whenever you're going anywhere, there always seems to be a train that crosses your path, not that i was in any particular hurry - i just loved the light and colors, and so, i'm just sittin there waiting with everyone else for the thing to go by, may as well shoot it, eh? despite the call for good weather today, it sprinkled off and on during the carnival, and then the sun just burst out and looked so cool against the passing storm clouds....then it was back to being overcast....get it while you can, right?!

so, here's what i turned in for the school carnival assignment tonight...even though i've shot this kind of thing a million times, i was kind of looking forward to this one...maybe in part because this is at a little school that i like going to and it is also one of the 4 schools closing after this year due to budget cuts...anyhoo, some of the frames from the night - nothin out of this world, but not bad for a night's work i suppose....

the composition is kind of awkward, but still, there's something about this that i like - maybe it's the awkwardness itself - not sure if this works or if it's more of an almost

this is my favorite of them all, though...i like the graphics of it, the near silhouette and body language with the hands in the air on the left and that hand pointing to them on the right - it was actually the inflatable volunteer worker telling them who could stay and whose time was up....so, that's my visual input to the world for the day...
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