so the last two days have been simply gorgeous - a complete hint of summer - the nice summer, not the very hot, sticky stuff that will be sure to rear its rather ugly, dehydrating head the week of the county fair - and i have the days off - my weekend for working through the typical-work world weekend yet to come....a-planting i shall go, a-planting i done gone....this is the garden so far....with a few close-ups of some of my favorites - dahlias and daisy varieties, i'll have to hold up on the beauty of the gazannias, because they have already closed up and retired for the evening!
i decided this year to try and plant some veggies, and i bought a tomato plant....i was so very excited to see the flowers and this little nubbin of a tomato that had just started to grow....just as i was putting stuff away yesterday, i accidentally knocked over the pot, and the plant toppled, breaking the stem completely off its roots - so here's the first tomato i WOULD HAVE grown :(
but, i was inspired to try again, so hopefully i will have more home-grown produce in my future!!
another dahlia - they are so beautiful!!
the front plot
one side of the porch - dug up the grass (which never got mowed anyway) and made this bricked-in area to set the pots on - the circular nature was a little tricky, so i left a middle space and planted some flowers in there....still a couple flats of to-be-planted things and extra pots set out on here, but you get the idea- it's no martha stewart, but whatever.....
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