Wednesday, April 2, 2008


awww!! what a cutie....just goes to show you can even make a picture you like at the pet-o-the-month assignment!

don't know if this works or not, but something about this scene just struck me as funny when i saw it...good thing i decided to go get coffee on my way back into the paper!


Amanda LaRae Larkin said...

When I shot at the animal rescue I wanted sooo badly to take a couple home - they're so adorable! Cute photo Kim'r!

Keith King said...

great photos Kim- I love photos of the guys with the dresses. Graphic. That cat doesn't look like it's in a huge hurry to be adopted. And with that lounge chair who can blame it.

Craig Watson Photography said...

I love this photo. It works for me. Nice find

Craig Watson Photography said...

I love this photo. It works for me. Nice find