my week started with
heading out to a Salvation Army summer camp for a feature find....kind of happy with what i got
this little brother and sister dancing looked almost iconic somehow...maybe it just reminds me of an old foto i've seen somewhere
later that day, i went to the Timberwolves (semi-pro football local team) for a feature on a player...he missed most of his varsity high school playing time due to injuries, but he's still hoping to go collegiate and then pro
friday morning started with an assignment to cover the work being done on the south county park/cemetery, whose sign for years has said "coming soon," but has lacked the support/money to actually get started until now
cemetery park - kind of a strange combination, but anyway, i went out early-ish to try and beat the worst of the continuing heat
then i hit the fairgrounds on the way back to look for any activity to help fill holes in the fair tab..not much going on besides this guy mowing around the barns and some other guys smoothing out gravel around bathrooms, but it is what it is
saturday, headed out for the fair baseball tournament finals in the morning...they have these crazy rules, one of which being that the champion has to win by one win, so, the undefeated team winds up losing to the once-beaten team (who'd only been beaten by them), which meant that they had to play a second tie-breaker to determine the ultimate champion...2 baseball games, 4 hours, heat advisory....i was a sweaty mess by the time all was said and done...and to complicate things, my battery, which had showed 3 out of 5 bars full at the start, went down to 2 bars at the start of the first game (literally about 10 frames in), and by the end of the first game it was down to one - not right! so, now i'm worried, cos the end-game reaction is critical, i have a page one news assignment that i am going to be late for and have to get, and i'm not sure how many frames i have left on this one bar since it's losing power so fast...and then, i was also told the other day that we have so many pages in sports for sunday that they want a photo page to fill space - great - so, i miss a lot of good action in the second game, cos i'm hesitant to shoot, but in the end it all works out, and i get some good reaction that i like, and then i high-tail it out to get to the news assn...
caught in a pickle - always such a crazy moment
as i walk in, i see this moment happening between Miss MI and a l'il fan, who was enamored of her wrist corsage, and thank god for that, because then it was onto a series of people speaking at the podium, and my battery is about a goner anyway....phew! just made it!
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