while the spot news mania seems to have abated for the moment, work has still been plenty busy...well, more like spottily slow punctuated by moments of marathon shooting....sort of the nature of the beast
so, to highlight from the past week or so, i guess i begin with the final follow-up to the plane crash, which was to get a picture of the sign that family had placed at the site...strangely we only knew of this because of a wire story that moved about the dispatch calls made that night and it happened to mention the sign....
so, yeah, here's the sign

maybe later that day, or the next (sometimes they all just kind of run together!), there was "soup day" - a fundraiser for the Salvation Army where the public could sample soups from local eateries and vote for their favorites....basically a slew of people crammed into a too small hotel banquet room (which between the soup kettles and body heat, was reaching near sauna temps) eating soup....not the easiest to shoot, but i kind of liked this moment with one of the servers

throw in a round of golf practice

top with the annual "family fun night" event (inflatables? carnival games? balloon making clowns? popcorn?......check, check and check!)

(and whatever other random assignments not worth posting) and you got yourself a work week
then, it's on to the weekend (which is still sort of the work week for me) and what definitely counts as a marathon day Saturday....
beginning with clean-up of fields and ditches at 9 am in Dundee - still have tons of debris from the tornadoes last summer, and they decided to get together and clear it all out, since the township/village/etc wouldn't do anything

then, out to the annual "fur trader day" at a historical site....these events are always kind of tough, because they aren't generally very well-attended, particularly not when it's cold and windy (which parenthetically (should i even say 'parenthetically' if i'm using parentheses? oh well, never mind) it seems to be ALL THE FREAKIN TIME!!!!!), but i liked this moment as i was heading out....just the feel of it, especially as the girl happened to turn and glance back - i think the layout lady officially dubbed this one the "andy griffith picture"

so, that done i now head north for a track invitational.....get 3 or 4 events under my belt, then outta there

cos' the play rehearsal is winding down in about an hour and a half....at least it's inside, thankfully, as the cold, damp and wind has taken permanent home in the depths of me bones after being out in it for almost 5 hours straight!

liked this offstage moment (i swear, i just never tire of shooting this kind of picture), which i turned in as a Still Life feature
then, take a break - warm up for real, go into office, edit edit edit (cos of course everything is running the next day).....tone fotos for the press....bout 10 p- ish go home, drink very large glass of wine (or two), veg out on late night tv, go to bed!!
before ya know it, it's back into work for another week
have a cpr training class on the agenda, which i have to shoot fast since there is a protest by teachers before the school board meets and votes on whether to pink slip the entire staff of Monroe Public Schools (seriously! and they vote yes.....seriously!) cutting it real close with that one, because i could only stay for about 45 minutes at the cpr thing so as not to get back to monroe for the protest and meeting too late, and they spent about 35 minutes watching a video - yikes!
anyway, got a few pix from the protest that i felt pretty happy with - nothing crazy cool...i think it's the nice light that grabs me more than anything i did, actually

later in the week, technology at work in the classroom - which i guess is cool for them, but it does take away from the visual aspect of science labs - gone are the days of bunsen burners, beakers and the flame color changing experiments.....now it's more like "plug this into that and watch while it computes the data"....hmmm, so turn the wheels of progress i suppose

the next day i go out to a rural township to shoot guys grading gravel roads....only they're not on the road they're supposed to be on, and when i call the supervisor to find out where the workers are, he can only tell me "well, they're out there somewhere!" uhh, yeah....kind of a big county, kind of a lot of gravel roads, dude.....so, drive around for an hour and a half, take a picture of the one re-gravelled road, just in case

decide to give up and go to next assignment....stumble upon the workers on my way back to monroe - take stupid picture since i am now out of time, chuckle to self, continue driving

on a totally different note, i couldn't help but buy a flower the other day (i think i'm trying to will spring to arrive at this point....like, "look ma nature, flowers, pots....what goes well with these 2 things????????")
inevitably, what comes next for me is the lensBABY and some of the funky creative apertures i got a few months ago.....

and i breathe a sigh of creative relief!
more later...thanx for looking
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