can't quite recall what i did mid-week, so it couldn't have been visually memorable, but friday was a little better - seemed to have been all about kids and water - first had the YMCA camp kids' annual "river raft race" - i forgot what that actually translates to until i got there - saw the kids all lined up with their painted wooden blocks with a paper sail attached to a peg and their straws - basically they put these little boats in the pool and blow on the sails through a straw, racing from one side of the pool to the other - it definitely has potential, but i never seem to get any great reaction/moment...which was the case again this time round...
after that went to a trailer park - the management has been putting out a big slip n slide every friday in august for the kids to play on - pretty cool - think i liked this slide image best (some of the kids just walked through it jumping up and down - lame! but this girl got pretty into it

the image i really liked best was this one - pretty simple - just the kids lined up waiting their turn - but there's something about it - just has that kind of timeless/americana feel to it for me

weekend started with a free health screening fair for the uninsured - these things are tricky, cos most people really don't want to be identified in these scenarios - and visually, it's them filling out paperwork or talking to a doctor or having their finger, a bit of a challenge...
made something semi-momentish of a woman at one of the stations, but it was pretty run-of-the-mill, so i was trying for something better

kind of liked this doctor as she peaked out to summon her next patient
but still, looking for something more...saw this father and his kids, his little boy leaning on him as they waited to see their next doc, so i approached him, introduced myself, asked if i could hang with them and make some pics - he says okay, so i try to get a nice moment between them..and when i go to get their id's he says - oh, i don't want my name in the paper - i'm seriously asking for id's before i shoot - i mean, why let me waste my time trying for something when you've now rendered it completely useless! not that it's any stellar frame, but i think it would have been a little better than what i had....i just don't understand - you're okay with having your faces in the paper but not your name? whatever

then, i headed down for a pre-season volleyball invitational - volleyball, what a challenge to shoot - can't believe it's already here again!

later that night it was off to the miss monroe county pageant - kind of like tuesday night, but with bigger people and more expensive outfits
the girl who won was a big shocker - we had a little bet going back at the office - and none of the girls we thought would be a sure thing won - i think the girl herself was pretty surprised - it really took her a second or two to react

as you can see, she was pretty happy

and once again, the pix i liked best of the night were of the offstage people - the same 2 little girls from tuesday night, ironically enough!

so, that was the rest of the week in my little world..thanx for lookin!
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