sports and portraits continue to dominate - punctuated by a 4+ hour long discussion of the future of newspapers and brainstorming new directions to weather the storm - ideally, with better results than George Clooney got in "The Perfect Storm." On the cynical side, i found myself looking at the time mapped out for the meeting and thinking..."4 hours? 4 hours to discuss the future of newspapers? they're dying, conversation over!!!" but, i went in open-minded regardless, and we actually had a pretty decent talk, which didn't feel like it was 4 hours...but, let me just say that if i don't hear any more reference to "pants on the ground," it'll be too soon - unfortunately, as i sit here, for some reason with TMZ on tv (cos i'm to lazy to change the channel and wasn't really paying much attention), i just saw a segment on that American Idol episode - i guess at least now i know what the reference was, since i don't watch that show, but still, it kind of gave me a twitch everytime they repeated that phrase....popular culture, it gets to you one way or another, whether you want it or not....
anyway, none of this really has much to do with what i've shot this week -but, i guess it's my blog, i can write whatever i want, right?
it's my blog and i'll digress if i want to, digress if i want to, digress if i want'd digress, too, if if this belonged to you....
sing it with me now (American Idol audition in my future???? hmmmm??)
so, ahem, yes, sports - basketball again

and portraits...
first of a couple that had a 16x14 foot wall in their living room painted with a landscape mural of Cabo San Lucas, where they vacation every year

then, over the weekend, a young girl who created the winning logo design for the state's War of 1812 bicentennial commission - to be used on all their promotional and sales materials - which is actually very cool for her, and fairly significant in the sense that the local Battle of the River Raisin here in Monroe was considered a pivotal battle in that war (more on that later)

later in the week, i went to a morning tour of the hospital's rehab, nursing and outpatient surgery centers by a group from the newly formed "Middle College" - pretty cool program - it's a combo of high school and college classes specifically tailored for kids who want to pursue health-related fields - they essentially get their high school diploma and enough college credits to earn an associate's degree in 5 years through the local public school and community college....anyway, it's people touring buildings, which sounded like a potential challenge visually, and it pretty much was - alot of kids standing in a room or sitting in a room while a worker in the respective facility talked about the work they do....thankfully, the woman in the rehab center had them do some hands-on stuff with some of their materials....whew!

anyway, back to the battle, the annual re-enactment/commemorative events of the Battle of the River Raisin fell on my weekend - shot this so many times, i'm about to pick up a musket and fire off a few rounds myself...though, the last couple year or so the intern has shot it...and apparently they've expanded the program a little - cos we started at the battlefield center, but now we marched about a half mile down to another field, where they did the whole "battle" scene, lots of shooting, guys falling to the ground, etc, then we marched back to the center for the flag-raising, more gun firing, etc.....i was at least looking forward to the fact that the weather forecast was a balmy 40 degrees - i've shot this thing before in an absolute blizzard! - well, i don't know what doppler radar the weather man was looking at, but the weather, mmm, not so much - cold, windy, very very damp - i think my knees were cold for like 4 hours after that - my KNEES, i mean how stupid is THAT?! anyway, here are a few from the event.....

and, so that's my catch-up for now...have another day off before a long haul til next weekend, so i'm off to try and get to the next big thing on the very big to-do far, i've gotten together all the tax stuff, gone through all my yarn and bagged up a bunch of it to donate to a knit/crochet group in need of materials at a senior center, cleaned, and now, well, i guess i can check "blog catch-up" off the list, too
am i a go-getter or what?!
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