it being a new year, i'm going to get off to a good start and get posting! so much has happened in this crazy profession, it's hard not to feel a little depressed and worried, but i was thinking last night that it's also a good incentive to take yourself more seriously and really think about where you're at, whether you're doing the work you'd really like to be doing and got into this for in the first place and how you can be doing that if the answers come up a little short - whether that happens where you're at now or someplace else....
really i just came on here to wish everyone a happy new year, with hope that things, however they pan out, will not spell an end to the spirit of the work we do - maybe it just won't be in quite the same format - but if the quality and character of this work goes away, that would be a tremendous loss, not just for those who do it, but for people in general - maybe that facebook group "don't let newspapers die" should rethink itself and focus more on not letting journalism die....
okay, i know i'm pretty much preaching to the choir here, so i'll stop blathering on....
again HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!!!