i went for a walk in a small county park last Saturday....it's mostly a wild grassy area with a path cut through it...very quiet, except for when the large unleashed dog came upon me - the owner was running after it, assuring me "he's friendly" despite the growls...anyway, just out with my camera on a sunny but cool autumn afternoon, admiring the weeds and wildflowers, especially this dried up milkweed...

i noticed the other day that there is a similarity between the chix pic and the one before of the 2 leaves in the river - they both have a kind of simple play of red and pale yellow in them....i started thinking i should try to make a theme out of it, so i was keeping an eye out for that during my walk - don't think i quite found it (you know how it is when you start looking FOR something), but this might work...i have some other ideas for the project - like ketchup and french fries!
i really like the second one for the project
hey thanx...i wasn't sure if it worked or not
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