Wii has a senior moment, or is it the other way around?
senior center volunteer John reacts after Pat turns up with a strike on her first roll down the virtual lanes while hosting a Wii demonstration yesterday afternoon...the seniors were a little hesitant to try it at first - most of them declined his offer to play; good ol' pincohle was more the order of the day - but hearing the laughter emanating from the room enticed a few more to give the game a go! what i was afraid might be a cool assignment going south turned out to be a hoot, and this is my favorite frame from the event...
Wii - it's not just for kids!
senior center volunteer John reacts after Pat turns up with a strike on her first roll down the virtual lanes while hosting a Wii demonstration yesterday afternoon...the seniors were a little hesitant to try it at first - most of them declined his offer to play; good ol' pincohle was more the order of the day - but hearing the laughter emanating from the room enticed a few more to give the game a go! what i was afraid might be a cool assignment going south turned out to be a hoot, and this is my favorite frame from the event...
Wii - it's not just for kids!
and later that day....
i happened to glance over at the stands while awaiting the start of basketball last night...i saw this little boy and started cursing that i didn't have my longer lens handy, as the National Anthem was about to begin in mere seconds, and i knew the moment would be lost....darted over and got just close enough to eke a frame out anyway - whew!
way to grab the moment Kim !!!
I'm not sure if the theatre is owned by the same people but I agree with you, the similarities are substantial. And I love your Holga idea, I actually ordered more 120 film last night online. Love your blog by the way. All the best Kim !
these two frames are awesome. you really covered the spectrum in one day there kim'r.
and that's why you are kim brent. fan effing tastic.
good job.
I LOVE this 'watcher' shot Kim!!! I think from now on I will dub thee... "Still Life Master!" - if I was there (and I had an ancient King Arthur-type-sword handy) I'd tap you on each shoulder and make the name official. Seriously, the photo totally rocks!
good work, yo!
aww, you guys are awesome! thanx for all the great comments - i was so excited to hop on here and see 4 comments and just to hear from you all...and amanda, my shoulders are all a-tingle - i'll have to go out today and see if i can live up to my new title!
great to hear from everyone again!
Amanda's right on that one. I admire how you have such an impulse to grab a photo like that. A lot of people would let it slide by and concentrate on the game. But I think that's what separates a good from a great photographer...that impulse to shoot for yourself.
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