it has been so so so so long
poor neglected blog
maybe no one noticed but me....and i guess that doesn't matter so much
but pulling out photos to post and then being too lazy, or maybe not interested enough in myself and what i'm doing, or maybe feeling not so happy with the work i have been doing, that i just don't make it to the point of posting leaves a big pool of guilt at my feet
and i haven't splashed through it, or lept over it...i simply stayed still , trying not to look down and see just how deep it's gotten
trying to catch up now would be pretty stupid, so i'm just gonna pick up and move forward and hope that i can give myself a good swift kick if i notice my feet getting wet once again
maybe no one noticed but me....and i guess that doesn't matter so much
but pulling out photos to post and then being too lazy, or maybe not interested enough in myself and what i'm doing, or maybe feeling not so happy with the work i have been doing, that i just don't make it to the point of posting leaves a big pool of guilt at my feet
and i haven't splashed through it, or lept over it...i simply stayed still , trying not to look down and see just how deep it's gotten
trying to catch up now would be pretty stupid, so i'm just gonna pick up and move forward and hope that i can give myself a good swift kick if i notice my feet getting wet once again
okay, well, maybe a little catch-up, but only 'cos i kinda like this one - went to a church give-away for area needy...been to a million of these, and they're usually tough to make something decent, like a moment, etc....usually the people picking up don't want to be photographed, and generally they're just coming in, picking up a couple bags or a box, then leaving....and the workers are engaged in this crazy assembly-line whirl of filling said bags and boxes....
this one was even a bit tougher in that it was run like a drive-through - the church people were in the basement filling bags, people would pull in, mark off what they needed, then pull around to the side door where another worker would hand them their i stuck downstairs with the workers, hoping amid their flurry of work there might be some cool interaction/moment....rough going, then this little boy decided he wanted to help out - he stood at the shaving cream section, only people apparently don't use the stuff much, so the bag filler kept passing him by....finally, one of the workers called out "shaving cream" and the boy exploded in celebration at finally getting to participate! phew!

then, onto the usual....sports

students touring the wildlands at the coal plant in search of eagles - thankfully this one was postponed from its original time, when it was about 20 below and i was looking forward to going about as much as i would like forward to having a root canal sans novacaine!

on the drive out, saw tons of deer - i just thought this one was especially cute

then had a silent auction fundraiser, which included appearances by 2 former Lions and football hall o famers - they were both really fun to hang out with actually and they were passing out these bits of life advice that was pretty intense to little kids along with their autographs...just kind of liked this moment

softball clinic for little girls-teens led by a member of the gold medal winning olympics softball team - can't remember her name, but this thing turned out to be huge - people came from literally hundreds of miles away for it
just like the body language of this little girl - i'm sure she's just stretching, but i get a sense of strength, at least symbolically....

which dovetails nicely with a different image of girls - the whole pageant performance thing

also liked this frame from backstage - a group performing traditional Mexican dances waiting to go on - these 2 girls cracking one another up while practicing their onstage smiles

skyscape - when we are on the flight path to Detroit Metro

went to Joe Louis Arena a couple weeks ago for a "student media day" - high school kids interested in journalism got to do press conferences with the Red Wings, which was preceded by watching their morning practice....was gonna try to work something with the reflection in the plexiglass and then i see our reporter walking into the frame - shot this one for him

out of nowhere, a couple of warm days - i mean really warm - not like "ooh, 30 degrees feels so good after single digits for weeks" warm, but actual t-shirt warm! so, went to find a feature - not technically the best, but i kind of like the feel of it

last weekend, speaking of divergent images of girls/women, my day started with a promotional stop by JWOWW from "Jersey Shores" at a local tanning salon

then ended with the home debut of our local roller derby team

that was actually really fun to shoot and, the morning....mmmm...not so much
this week, last of the winter sports with our boys losing in the state quarterfinals

and yesterday a portrait of a couple whose son has been missing for nearly 15 years
i was pretty happy with how this came out - shot several frames, then i sat down and just started talking to them, which is when i made this frame and things just seemed to come together better - the angle was better for the composition, and they were more reflective as we were talking, so i left feeling like i had made the kind of picture i could feel good about ...and it always baffles me, cos you'd think that this would be tougher than the picture of the swimmer of the year, but i really struggle with those, and with things like the parent portrait, i somehow manage to create an image that i feel captures them/the spirit or feel of their struggle, which i feel tremendously more pressure to do, because it's a very somber reality, and i really want to do it and them proper justice

anyway, that's all for now
if you haven't given up on me and my spotty blogging, thanx for looking....more to come (i sincerely vow!)