Friday, October 29, 2010

more fall

walk in the woods - beautiful, fall day, full of color - what more can you say?

as i got back to my car, i discovered this baby praying mantis on my car window

a leaf i found - it's so detailed, almost like a mosaic

more autumn outdoorsiness from time off last weekend - walking around at an area orchard

where i also got a pumpkin - one of the few remaining - which i carved with my dandy carving kit

good thing i got a picture of it, because it caved in somehow the next day - boo!

as the wind kicked up, i tried to capture all the blowing leaves with the lensBABY - no easy task! didn't really make anything i like too much - but i kind of like this one

Friday, October 15, 2010

falling for fall

autumn - my favorite time of year - color, cool, crisp air, exploring flowers and leaves as they make their way into decline
oh yeah, and i brought along the lensBABY for the journey

just a few that i liked from last week

happy fall!