since tuesday, i've had a lot of featurey assignments, and i've feature hunted each day, too, just cos'.....not going to post everything, just the highlights that i liked, along with any relevant commentary, for what it's worth.....

this is a feature that i've shot before, but it's such eye candy, i couldn't resist, and it's different every time it seems - depending on the mesh, where the sun is, whether you go for a silhouette or not, how they jump, where they land, etc; so, i don't mind that i shot this again (it's been years, too, does that make it more okay?)....i had a couple hours to kill before a stand-alone feature assignment on a canine obedience class, which honestly, i wasn't totally into, so i felt like i needed to go do something i maybe would feel better about, and i think i found it
the next day, a bit of the same scenario - came back into the office after grabbing a bite, and saw an assignment in from a writer about how they are repainting the old village hall in one of the small towns we cover...there was another in the basket for a hot weather feature for next day's page one from the editor - the afternoon fotog already had a couple assignments going, so i wasn't going to ask her to feature hunt - the editor said either of those assn;s could work for the next day - the outdoor work (also a stand-alone) couple work in terms of the weather fea as well - playing in the pool on a 90+ day or sweatily working in it - both get the job i went up to the village - no one was working - and i don't know where people go in that little village, but i have yet to successfully find a feature there - they must all be huddled around the ac units inside or something - so made my way back to Monroe - not finding a whole lot, and i was taking a back way thru neighborhoods to get to an ice cream stand where there's always someone, turned down a side street, and there's kids riding around their yard on a miniature pony - what the hell? turns out it was a b-day party, and they were happy for me to stay and make some pictures - didn't get anything of the pony ride that i liked that much, which was a little disappointing, but they weren't on it long before they decided the pool was a much more alluring, anyway, here's the result of my lucky find for the day

next day, did the desk stuff and the meetings, then i went to shoot a girls hoops camp as a stand-alone before i went to a "tour our new surgery rooms" assn. at the hospital - tear it up! i wouldn't be so cynical if it weren't our hospital, which has historically been a photo nightmare for us - nothing but one stop block and red tape hassle after another whenever we have to try and do something i was walking in - thankful at least for the ac after spending an hour-plus in a hot, steamy, un-ac'd gym - i saw this guy walking out - i just loved the cane, and how he was stooped over and yet sporting his pistons jersey like a young guy

such was the week - a lot of feature pix, be it the drive-around kind or just events that we found out about that would work as stand-alone art...that was my theme this week i guess, but at least i found some frames i like and met some nice people - can't really ask for a whole lot more than that