today was a busy day, but i feel good because i got a lot done, and i liked some of what i shot...went to a play rehearsal (i know, say it ain't so!), and i can't help myself....i'm just drawn to the whole backstage, kids peering out from behind the curtains anxious to take the stage thing, but even though i've over-shot this theme, i still liked this frame...

later, it was to the middle school...students met the challenge of completing 20,000 homework assignments in 6 weeks, and as their reward they got to choose what they wanted their principal to do for the day - strikes me that this IS after all April Fool's Day - they all voted that he wear a chicken suit all day....so i got him making his way down the hall to the cafeteria, whereupon he was besieged with high-fives from passing students on their way to class
...if you stare at it long enough, it starts to get a little creepy....