so, here it is the end of the month and i haven't posted a thing since the start....well, hmm, gotta do something about is a terrible distraction from the important things, like posting to your blog!! ha ha
anyway, i haven't been a complete slacker, and just to prove it, i'm gonna try to throw up a few recent images that i don't feel too terribly bad about all the world (potentially), here it be

i went to a "Teddy Bear Parade" at a local pre-k school, and as it was winding down, made this frame, which i have submitted as a "still life" - here's the quote -
"The interpretation of our reality through patterns not our own, serves only to make us ever more unknown, ever less free, ever more solitary." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

this is the shot from the parade - not an easy thing to shoot, mind you, between shifting lighting through the hallways, movement (mine and theirs) and a little boy who just had to be in front of the lens as much as possible - this isn't him, but it took me a while to get this little girl with her bear draped over her head...i just liked the eye poking out

on my way back from checking out a play group at the library, i suddenly found myself in the midst of a reflection kick, beginning with the vacant building next to the library (below) - the interior windows blocked within the reflected windows of another empty building across the street - and then i came upon this smooth black wall (above) that was reflecting all the traffic - 2-legged and 4-wheeled both - at the main intersection...made this oneinto a stil life, too, but i don't have the quote handy

and then there was the fire escape and old window - the plastic covering inside torn, perhaps so someone could look outside - too bad they weren't looking out just as i was there shooting this, eh?!

these two are from a family interactive night put on by the school district and other org's - the theme was "pirates and princesses" - since joining redbubble and seeing the photoshop enhanced images there, i thought i'd play around with it on these images - something i've not done much of - for one, because i'd be fired, but mostly, it's just not something i've had much interest in doing, but i was waiting that night for pix to tone, so i had some time to kill - the top one has been pretty well-worked - the background in the mirror reflecction burned away, hand-colored, and then i think also a watercolor filter over the whole thing - the bottom one, i just applied the watercolor filter - this kid already looked like a painting even without that - he reminds me of an old Vermeer portrait or something...
anyway, just a smattering of what i've been up to in the last few weeks...
wish i had less kid-intensive work to post, but our adult-oriented assignments tend toward things like last night - the Home Builder's Assoc. expo opening....anyone who's ever shot these things can probably guess why i'm not posting those images! nuff said